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Growing Pains

God has me in this extremely vulnerable state right now. I’m learning surrender, grace, heartbreak, submission, faith, obedience, and love. I’ve learned a lot of these at one time or another but there is a severe difference between those instances and now: Those were all spread out, and they were happening on a less intense scale. What is happening now is all happening at the same time and are happening in very intense ways.

Let me paint you a picture. Me. Wrapped in a blanket. In the bathroom. Curled up in a ball. Inside of the bathtub. Crying. Surrounded by used tissues. With the bathroom fan on so no one can hear me. Pain.

This isn’t depression in any way. Believe me, I would know. This is growing up. It’s learning to be the light in such a dark world. It’s learning to stand up for Christ when the world wants to push you back down. It’s learning to have child like faith when you’re expected to know all the answers. It’s learning that one of the best ways I can show my Father that I love him is through obedience, no matter how much it hurts. It’s love.

It’s funny how I can piece together all the things the Holy Spirit has been teaching me the past year and they all fit a puzzle of how He wants me to be living. [Thank you, Jesus.] Obedience, no matter what the cost. My own death, of my own desires, no matter that the cost. Love, no matter the person or their past, and no matter what the circumstance. God is calling me to a life of love. I don’t know much of what that looks like. The only thing I do know about that life is that it is all about Jesus. Letting my body be used as a temple for the Holy Spirit to dwell. Sacrificing all my worldly and fleshly desires for the desires of Christ.

That kind of life is meant to be painful, but full of joy. When Christ calls us to, “come and die,” who can honestly believe that would be without pain? [Disclaimer: I’m not talking about physical pain. I’m talking about the pain of letting go] Realistically, you aren’t giving anything up that belongs to you. It’s living with a purpose that is not your own. You belong to God, and you’re just giving Him back what He created for His Glory and His Kingdom. This pain is all rooted out of love. Love for the Father. Like my good friend Jessica Becker said in one of her blogs, “Pain is the evidence of true love.”
Bring it on, then.


I plan to continue blogging on this site. I hope to blog once a week, but I’m not committing to that. Hopefully you all will still be as interested in what I have to say when I am in America as you were when I was in Southern Africa!!! And don’t be afraid to comment because I would love your encouragement!

Also, please keep The World Race’s Team Se7en in your prayers. They went through an armed robbery last week in Tanzania. Everyone is fine and no one was injured. Praise God! I want to recognize their tremendous courage and faith through this whole ordeal. They lost nearly everything (sleeping bags, passports, shoes, computers, cameras, backpacks, clothes, money, I-pods, etc.) and right after the robbery when people from the community came to see what happened, they preached the gospel to them. I am so encouraged by this team and their love for God and how they are showing through actions that all they need is Jesus. If you feel compassion for this team and feel lead to donate money to them, there is an account set up to help cover some of their material losses.



  1. Cait you have such a beuatiful heart…I hear Him speaking through your pain…

  2. Cait, as I continue to read your blogs and absorb your words, I am seeing not a confused young woman…I am seeing a young woman that is filled with joy, happiness and a heart of gold. In spending time with you over the last couple of weeks makes makes me believe that with all my heart. Rememeber, you were that confused teenager that left in September with no expectations. What we got back was a beautiful young woman with a clear direction and that direction is to follow Gods word!!! WOW

  3. Maybe this is why mothers have trouble watching their kids grow up. Knowing that you were crying in the bathtub like that, it totally breaks my heart. I don’t like to see you in pain – ANY pain. I long for the days when you would climb up on my lap with your caterpillar, and everything would be all better.

  4. ‘Atta girl! Keep writing, Cait; your thoughts bring truth and insight, and are reminders that I need often in my life. 🙂

  5. Wow Honey, even though Iawait hearing from you every day, and every day you are on my mind, I am constantly amazed at what you say, how you say it and how it effects everyone. You are so amazing, open, honest. And I always hoped you would admire me….NO WAY… I ADMIRE YOU!! I Would love to learn more cuz every time I read your words I learn something new. I love you & miss you so much. Can’t wait to hear from you.
    Aunt Gina

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