
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

The heavens declare the glory of God;
The skies proclaim the work of his hands.
Day after day they pour forth speech;
Night after night they display knowledge.
There is no speech or language where their voice is not

Their voice goes out into all the earth
Their words to the ends of the world.
Psalm 19:1-4a

Creation is Weird.

Have you ever looked around and noticed how weird Creation
is? Clouds look like far away cotton candy- cotton ball hybrids. The tops of
trees are a deep green that look prickly. The bottoms of trees are a flaky
brown that look scratchy. Palm trees look like flexible green knives on top of
tall, narrow, striped brown structure. Dirt looks like a dark colored powder,
yet it is somehow solid. Water is clear, but it is blue. When waves crash, the
water fizzes like you are inside a cup of soda. When there is a storm at sea,
the water is foamy, like  you are standing inside a cup of cappuccino.
Sand is soft, but sometimes it is so hot that you feel like you are walking on
lava! You cannot see wind, but you can feel it and see it.
I could go on and on and on.

Creation Speaks.

Have you ever noticed how Creation speaks of the glory of
God? Clouds speak of glory and praises to God. Trees speak of standing firm in
your faith for the glory of God. Dirt speaks of how we were made out of ash by
Father God. Water speaks of God’s grace. Waves crashing speak of God’s jealousy
and mercy. Storms at sea speak of God’s sovereignty and power. Sunsets speak of
God’s majesty and His love for us.

When Heaven meets Earth…

I don’t know what has shifted in my mind, but there is
something about seeing the blue sky and the clouds meet the edges of trees and
flowers that I can’t shake. Something as beautiful and glorious as the heavens
should not be seen next to prickly green trees… or sometimes dead and dying
trees. I can’t make any sense of it! The past month all I have really wanted to
do was be outside and look at the sky. It is so beautiful- God’s face is so

 There isn’t any profound or dramatic conclusion to this
post. This is my heart. My challenge for you is to see Creation simply. See
Creation one layer at a time, and you will  be amazed! (I think that’s why
it is here in the first place!)


  1. Cait, from when you were a little girl walking with me in the Southern California Sand, you were always drawn to the sky, sand and the sea. You would always ask me questions like, “Daddy, where did the ocean come from?” or “Daddy, why is the sky blue? “why is the ocean so blue”. Looking back at those times when we would hand and hand on the beach, I knew their was meaning behind all those questions. God was working on you from those early days. I am inspired by your passion and love for God. Sometimes I wish we could have those innocent days back, but seeing how you have grown makes me very proud.


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